Friday, November 03, 2006

Snow... and lots of it

Well about 2-3 inches. Just enough to let us know that yes... we do have to buy new tires for the van. Fuck.

Last year in November we shelled out over $400 for new tires for the Malibu and then sold the damn car three months later. Only to buy the van which now needs new tires. I love having a vehicle... just hate paying for the maintenance on it.

Phoenix (knock on wood) has had no screaming fits today. In disposables and me with no chocolate in my system. It's working for me.

The girls are driving me insane today. I think the hallowe'en candy is going bye bye tonight. They are hyper, loud, squirrly... you know. Kids. lol. We hit the mall for a bit today and checked out some new stores. Dropped off the Ruby and Diamond ring that my mom gave me to be sized. They have to take it up one whole size so that might get expensive. They are going to mail me with a quote first.

I'm conflicted over Maddy's second big present for Santa day. We're getting her a CD player and burning her some cd's but what for the second one? She wants a Leapster game system, The 12 dancing princesses carriage and Genevieve, a doll stroller etc... I'm thinking maybe the doll stroller as she already has a leappad and a cinderella carriage with horse. Olivia is getting a ride on pony and an aquadoodle. I'm kinda fuzzy on what else to do for them. I'll probably just hit hellmart and go from there. Oh that reminds me... probably more crafty type stuff and viewmasters. I think they'll like those.

I saw the Playskool Discovery Dome today in Zellers. Phoenix is getting that. Some board books... some clothes and Eeyore Robeez. He's easy ;)

Well dinner is almost done. I did sweet and sour chicken breast with garlic, peppers and rice in the slow cooker. Add some veggies and we're good to go! Smells soooo good.

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