Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ever so slightly... amused

After bitching about Phoenix's sleeping he actually went to sleep at around 12:30ish last night. Him and I were in bed playing and talking from about 11pm (he really likes being covered with a play silk and the "peek-a-boo" that ensues) but at around midnight I started nursing him. He played the "latch on latch off" game for a bit and then settled to nurse. He pulled off, smiled at me, turned his head and closed his eyes. Down for the count... YES! He actually ONLY NURSED ONCE from 12:30 to 9:00am! I feel rested for the first time in a month.

Tomorrow is the big day. Jeff's vasectomy. I've got him some ice packs. I've stocked up on Advil liqui-gels. He's good to go. He took next week off to recouperate so that will be a nice break.

Next wednesday is Maddy's schools first pizza day! She's stoked ;) Then on friday there is a halloween dance...

"yes dear"
"you dance right?"
"and I dance... and livy dances... and phoenix would dance if he could"
"so... lets go to the dance! as a family! It will be fun!"

so dance we shall ;)

The saturday following it we are holding a samhain ritual at our house combined with a Halloween party for the kids. That reminds me that I should make an announcement to the board for helpers with a main meal and snacks.

It's a dreary rainy day. Livy has preschool and Robyn and kids are coming for dinner tonight. Chilli and fresh bread. Cucumber slices and cheese. Yep we're high tech and high cuisine in this house ;)

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