Friday, March 31, 2006

Oh my fucking hell...

I am in pain the likes of which I have not know for a loooooong time. My sciatic nerve has been okay for the last bit but today I woke up with it just killing me. I was managing it fine until dh (and that's not darling) went screeching at top speed around a corner when we were out doing errands today. I almost fell off my seat of the van and the PAIN WAS SO FUCKING INTENSE I just howled! Can you damage a nerve? Because now all the way down from the top of my ass to my fucking foot is KILLING ME!!!!! Ow ow ow ow ow :( /whinge

So jeff is sick. Really sick. Mega flu sick. He has to go to work tomorrow cause he does not have any sick time. He didn't get any sleep last night and looks like hell. Fever, achey bod, runny nose, cough, sneeze... blerg. I better not get this! I bought him some extra stength neo-citron and sent him to bed at like 8pm.

I'm going to have a bath and wait for the tylenol to kick in... ouch.

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