This is not a picture of the puppy we ARE getting... but pretty close! We went and checked out the corgi's this morning and snuggled with four adorable doggies :) This little BOY puppy has a lovely short cobby body, four white socks and I think is more of a sable than a red and white. The breeder said he was a mismark but I couldn't see any colour faults while I was there. The girls ran and frolicked with said puppies and when we told them that we were actually going to get one they were ESTATIC!!! We're going to go pick him up on saturday. Before then we need:
crate (borrow rose's)
nature's miracle (an enzyme cleaner for wee poops and peeps)
paper towels... lots of paper towels
id tag
toys (checking valu village and the dollar store)
food (Innova or California Natural)
bandana.. just cause
I'm so excited! I'm so insane!!!!
i can't WAIT to see your puppy. i need puppy love.
We'll have a puppy party :) We'll be bringing him home saturday at about 1:30... we'll see you around 2? ;) You can snuggle my puppy (and baby!) all you want :)
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