Today was a hard day. I've got very little sleep for the last oh well six months or so. I'm tired. I'm tired of hearing children fight and bicker from the very second I wake up to the minute they go to bed. Thank the goddess above for preschool and kindergarten. I would not survive this year I swear.
Phoenix is a fusspot. He is about 10 times fussier than Olivia ever was. He wants to be held constantly (normal of course) and it's hard. He's in the sling at least 4-5 hours a day and my back is feeling it. I love him to death and he's such a little punkin... but he's a fusspot. I have to remember though that one day he won't want to be held and cuddled and snuggled and I should enjoy it whilst I have the chance. I love my little guy. I love my girls. I thank the goddess every day that I have the chance to have them in my lives... but could they just take it a bit easier on me? lol!
Jeff had to work late tonight. He had a meeting with a client (web) and he'll come home with not only a paycheck tomorrow but also another $750 cheque. Nice! He works very hard for our family and I am very grateful and thankful to him.
We had a nice dinner tonight after the girls were in bed. Phoenix sat in his bouncy seat and chewed an apple through his baby safe food teether. I think he mostly ate drool but he got some tastes :) It kept him happy for a bit. Jeff and I ate Boston Pizza takeout and it was tres yummy. Damn it's expensive to order from there! I think it's our first time ever?
Tomorrow Maddy has school and then grocery shopping at night. I want to finish my Christmas shopping this weekend and get that out of the way.

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