Friday, December 15, 2006

please just SLEEP!

And for once I'm NOT talking about my baby!

Last night Jeff and I decided that we should put up Maddy's ikea bunk bed. We got this gorgeous periwinkle metal bunk bed off of Freecycle about 7 months ago... but it didn't come with bolts! So $40 worth of bolts later...

We finally got the bed up, made and ready for sleeping at 10:45pm! The kids normally go to bed sometime between 7 and 8!!! Maddy and Olivia were finally both sleeping at midnight. MIDNIGHT! Then Miss Madeline decided to wake her sister up at 8am. Not cool. There were son incredibly bitchy and volitile this morning that I canceled our playdate with Robyn and kids and they are back in bed. They better sleep. THEY BETTER!

Phoenix has been sleeping very well (knock on wood) for the last two nights. I'm enjoying it. He's already back in bed for his first nap right now.

Well off to clean the kitchen while I have the time with no kids (I know... party!)
Kitchen is clean... dishwasher emptied and refilled. Pots and pans washed, countertops scrubbed. Today I've also put away three loads of laundry, cleaned the bedroom, scrubbed the bathroom, tidied the living room and dining room and vacuumed the whole house (except for Olivia's room as she screamed NOOOOO when I went to do her room. I figured I'd avoid a fit... hey if she likes to like in squallor who am I to clean her room?)

I had to put Madeline BACK TO BED when she came out after only an hour (and she hadn't slept at all... she's been out three times. Once to pee, once to poop and once for a drink) and asked if they could get up yet. I explained that perhaps she had misunderstood me... she needs to NAP and THEN she can get up. Sigh.... if they don't nap the rest of my day is going to be hell on earth.

I think I might have a bath while the kids are in bed. Hopefully Phoenix won't wake up the second I get in there.

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