the woman who wanted to be a lawyer, travel the world, have rampant sex any time of the day with the love of her life?
who did the swingin thang? Who partied the night away in clubs? who could attend any concert any time?
who swore she would never have kids? who rebelled against any form of commitment?
she's been replaced...
by someone who wants to be a midwife, loves long drives while her children sleep in the back seat, has quiet but still mind blowing sex on the couch... after the kids are in bed ;)
by someone who can't imagine sharing her man. Who parties the evening away at pagan family friendly events. Who's idea of a good concert is "big comfy couch"
by someone who laments the fact that her baby making days are over. who nurses her babies until the wean. who has made the ultimate commitment for her family.
I've changed.
I've grown.
I've matured.
I can't imagine doing anything else, being anywhere else or being ANYONE ELSE.
I love who I am.
I love my life.
I'm me... and for the first time in my life it's right where I want to be.
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