Tuesday, January 30, 2007

DInner of the depressed...

I took out ground beef tonight. I was planning on making something fantastic with it... but now I'm all depressed about all the shit going on and I can barely drag my ass off the couch (well that and I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick.) So the kids ate organic peanut butter and organic strawberry jam on whole wheat flax tortillas. They had yoguart and natural granola bars on the side. And water. For dinner.

I've asked Jeff if we can order for some chinese or something. I need something fattening and entirely bad for me. I also need to eat a dinner with just my husband and reconnect. I had a wonderful time with Diane here but I need to let my hair down and relax a bit.

Phoenix is napping... still. Since three hours ago. I should go check on him.


Katrina said...

*hugs* I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going too well for you. Sometimes you need comfort food and to reconnect with loved ones. I hope you and Jeff and a good chance to spend time together. If you two want to go out together at some point, let me know and I can watch the kids for you.

Frogmorest said...

I'd love that! The girls would talk your ear off ;) You going to imbolc at Pauls on saturday?

Katrina said...

I really don't think so. I think I'm just going to be way too tired after work to go, which is a same since Imbolc last year was the first ritual I attended. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to the next one.